Writing essay for ielts
How To Think Of An Angle For A Topic Paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Mexican Revolution Essays - Presidency Of James K. Polk,
Mexican Revolution Global fringes have consistently been focuses of contention, and the U.S.- Mexican outskirt is no special case. With the European colonizing the New World, it involved time before the forces impacted. The Spanish settled what is today Mexico, while the English settled what is to day the United States. At the point when the two frontier powers met what is today the United States Southwest, it was not England and Spain. Or maybe the two forces were the United States and Mexico. Both Regions had severed from their homelands. The contention that ejected between the two nations where an immediate consequence of various country approaches. The United States had an arrangement of westbound development, while Mexico had an arrangement of self insurance. The Americans never had a composed strategy of extension. What they had was Manifest Predetermination. Show Destiny was the conviction that the United States had the option to grow westbound to the Pacific sea. Then again, Mexico was another nation needing to shield itself from outside powers. Proof of U.S. development is seen with the autonomy of Texas from Mexico. The most grounded proof of U.S. development objectives is with the Mexican-American War. From the earliest starting point, the war was considered as an open door for land development. Mexico dreaded the US development objectives. During the sixteenth century, the Spanish started to settle the locale. The Spanish had all prepared vanquished and settled Central Mexico. Presently they needed to grow their property possessions north. The main endeavor into the area, that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando announced a district wealthy in assets, before long individuals began to settle the locale. The main thrust behind the settlement was silver in the locale. The Spanish settled the area through three significant passageways; focal, western and eastern. The first settlements were for the most part through the focal hall. The Spanish went intensive what is currently the advanced Mexican territory of Chihuahua into the U.S. province of New Mexico. In the long run the Spanish built up the city of Santa Fe in 1689. The eastern passageway was through advanced Texas what's more, prompted the foundation of San Antonio. The eastern development was brought about by the French venture into cutting edge Louisiana. The Spanish crown needed a cushion between the French in Louisiana and focal Mexico. The last passage of development was in the west, through the ocean, which prompted the foundation of San Diego in 1769 and Los Edges in 1781. The Spanish were not by any means the only European capacity to colonize the new world; French, English and the Dutch additionally settled North and South America. The Spanish and the French settled what is available day U.S.- Mexico fringe area. The French settled present day U.S. midwest, while the Spanish settled present day Mexico and U.S. southwest. As time went on, European impact in the district lessened.. The French sold there cases to the United States, in 1803 with the Louisiana Buy. Mexico picked up autonomy from Spain in 1821. Once the US purchased the Louisiana Purchase, western development started. This set up for significant clash in the locale. The United States picked up freedom from England in 1775. After 1775, the Americans began to grow west. When Mexico picked up freedom, the United States had arrived at the Mexican wilderness. Mexico expected to ensure its northern fringes. To ensure the outskirt locale, Mexico expected to populate the territory. Mexico proceeded with the arrangement began by Spain of permitting Americans to settle Texas. The Americans needed to observe Mexican law, religion and customs. The settlement of Texas played into the United States development plans. In the long run Mexico City shut Texas from more Americans from entering. This irritated the Americans needing to enter and Americans previously living in Texas. Texas revolted from Mexico in 1833. Mexicans did live in Texas, and battled for the freedom of Texas. The dominant part of Texans were Americans and battled for their freedom. After the war the Americans deliberately or non-purposefully constrained most Mexicans out of Texas. The ones that remained confronted racial pressures that keep on today. In the wake of picking up autonomy from Mexico, Texas needed to join the US right away. The U.S. Congress casted a ballot against Texas from joining the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Teaching Listening and Speaking free essay sample
Offer with us know your musings and your encounters in Teaching Listening and Speaking in your school. Sincerely share your conclusions on the accompanying subjects. 1. What are your best achievements in showing these two abilities to your understudies? 2. What are a portion of the difficulties/issues you experienced in showing this two aptitudes? 3. What are your expectations and desires for this course? Much obliged to you Dr Lee Dear Doc, Thank you for posting these inquiries; honestly speaking I’ve as of now felt the weight and overwhelming errand due to this new daily schedule of turning into an understudy and an instructor simultaneously. In any case I’ll attempt my best to satisfy the assignment. Sorry if my answers are excessively long, I just can’t control the craving to compose. 1. The students in SK Pulau Gaya particularly in my group love mimicking other and singing melodies. They learn new dialect by emulating individuals who can dazzle and cause them to have fun whether in class or outside the class. We will compose a custom article test on Showing Listening and Speaking or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Learning through encounters and watching the students, I attempt to adjust another methodology instead of utilizing the regular old dreary and exhausting strategy. Fortunately I could play some instrument particularly the guitar, so starting there, there’s no turning around. From an exhausting class. I figured out how to transform my class into getting all the more enthusiastic and intuitive. By singing melodies, understudies are as of now captivating effectively in tuning in and talking process. While, I sing the tune first as they attempt to tune in to the verses and a short time later they will attempt to sing it together. This procedure may sound cliche’ or perhaps simply conventional however for me it brought about the ideal result. Moreover, remembering words, expressions or sentences appeared to have some little effect for the understudy. In the event that they like the melody that they’ve heard, at that point they will attempt their best to remember the verses in spite of the fact that it will require some investment. From talking the basic Bajau, Suluk/Tausug or Sabahan Malay language, a portion of my students have demonstrated their push to talk in English and ready to comprehend straightforward guidance, etc. In spite of the fact that this can't be considered as a best achievement yet for me this is something significant and can be the impetus for accomplishing better achievement later on. 2. Originating from a school that is missing of power, helpful instructing and getting the hang of encompassing, assortment of assets and so on. Training Listening and talking can be very extreme and intimidating.Not that I’m griping, however it is an unforgiving reality that I’ve to live with. As an educator, we’re being exhortation to be adaptable and innovative. Understudies of my school are to a great extent speakers of local language, for example, Bajau and Suluk/Tausug language. 70 percent of them banter day by day in their native language, just a little bit of them are speaking Sabahan Malay. So legitimately saying, the understudies need to learn two additional dialects notwithstanding their own language. With restricted assets, it’s very trying for the instructor to show dialects for the understudies here.If we are utilizing futile, non-imaginative and non-functional methodology in encouraging Listening and Speaking to them than a similar cycle will continue rehashing, the students will never hold nothing back from learn new dialects since they are not persuaded enough that the dialects, for example, English is fun and critical to them. All things considered, some of them demonstrate excitement to learn English yet everything relies upon the educators to be proactive and stressed more on Listening and Speaking that apparently bei ng dismissed truly which incorporates me. 3.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne Fort Wayne, city (1990 pop. 173,072), seat of Allen co., NE Ind., where the St. Joseph and St. Marys rivers join to form the Maumee River; inc. 1840. It is the second largest city in the state, a major railroad and shipping point, a wholesale and distribution hub, and a manufacturing center, with large high-technology electronics and automotive industries. The Miami had their chief town, Kekionga, at this strategic river confluence before the French founded (c.1680) a trading post there. In 1697 a French fort was built; it remained under French control until 1760, when it was surrendered to the British. The fort was held briefly by Native Americans during Pontiac's Rebellion . Later, they were subdued by Anthony Wayne , who built (1794) the fort named for him. The fur-trading center began to grow after the War of 1812. Industrialization was spurred by the development of the Wabash and Erie Canal and the coming of the railroad (both in the mid-1800s). The city is the seat of the Univ. of St. Francis, the Indiana Institute of Technology, Indiana Univ.â€"Purdue Univ. Fort Wayne, and a Roman Catholic seminary. The city has a philharmonic orchestra and numerous museums, including one devoted exclusively to Lincoln memorabilia. Also of interest are The Landing, the restored main street of the city's original frontier settlement; the sunken gardens at Lakeside Park; the botanical conservatory; and the burial place of Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman ). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Look again at the three seventeenth century poems, To His...
Look again at the three seventeenth century poems, To His Coy Mistress, The Flea, and Shall I compare thee. In what ways have the three poets used, or departed from, the conventions of their time and why do you think they have been successful in ... Look again at the three seventeenth century poems, â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, â€Å"The Flea†, and â€Å"Shall I compare thee†. In what ways have the three poets used, or departed from, the conventions of their time and why do you think they have been successful in entertaining their readers? â€Å"To His Coy Mistress†, â€Å"The Flea†and â€Å"Shall I Compare Thee†are all poems written in the 17th century. Marvell, Donne and Shakespeare who were the authors of the poems, departed from conventions of†¦show more content†¦It was customary in the 17th century to write poems about love in comparison to nature and he uses the world to describe his space of love. In just two lines we can already the feel of the poem and build up a picture of his passion. The poet is attempting in the first stanza, through flattery, to win over his Lady and persuade her to consummate their love. This stanza is typically metaphysical, demonstrating a controversial use of imagery, for example, â€Å"Thou by the Indian Gan ges side, shouldst rubies find; I by the tide†and a double entendre, for example when he talks about his â€Å"vegetable love†. It is written in the style of other poems of that time. However, half way through the stanza his passionate words turn gently satirical and we feel a change in the poet’s tone. For example he says â€Å"Love you ten years before the Flood and you should, if you please, refuse till the conversion of the Jews†. Here his flattery turns slightly frightening and we start to wonder if the poet’s true intentions are purely innocent or very selfish. â€Å"But at my back I always hear, time’s winged chariot hurrying near†is a famous phrase and is used in the second stanza to mark a change in the atmosphere. The speed up of pace, as the verse goes on, reveals desperation and anxiety that he might not get his own way after all. In contrast to the first stanza, where he used flatteryShow MoreRelatedCompare the Views of Relationships in ‘the Unequal Fetters’ with Those in ‘to His Coy Mistress’. What Is Suggested About the Different Ways in Which Men and Women View Love?2018 Words  | 9 Pagesrelationships in ‘The Unequal Fetters’ with those in ‘To his Coy Mistress’. What is suggested about the different ways in which men and women view love? ‘To His Coy Mistress’ was written by Andrew Marvell (1621-1678). The poem is a metaphysical poem, which was mostly used in the seventeenth century and was classed as a highly intellectual type of poetry and mainly expressed the complexities of love and life; just as this poem is. In brief the poem is about seizing every opportunity in life and not caringRead MorePoetry by William King, Martyn Lowery, Andrew Marvell, Liz Lochhead, John Cooper Clarke and Elizabeth Jennings10576 Words  | 43 Pagestheme contains the following poems: The Beggar Woman by William King (Pre 1900) Our Love Now by Martyn Lowery To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell (Pre 1900) Rapunzstiltskin by Liz Lochhead i wanna be yours by John Cooper Clarke One Flesh by Elizabeth Jennings As the title suggests, hearts and partners deals with love and relationships. In your exam you will be expected to make comparisons between the different poems and this lesson will help youRead Morethatcher4803 Words  | 20 PagesShakespeare, Sonnets 1-7 3. John Donne, â€Å"Valediction Forbidding Mourning†, â€Å"The Flea†, â€Å"Hymn to God, My God in my Sickness†4. George Herbert, â€Å"The Collar†, â€Å"The Altar†, â€Å"Love III†5. Andrew Marvell, â€Å"To his Coy Mistress†6. T.S. Eliot, â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†, â€Å"Journey of the Magi†2. Poems for individual reading: 1. William Shakespeare Sonnet 73 (â€Å"That time of year†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) 2. John Donne, â€Å"Holy Sonnet I†(â€Å"Thou hast made me†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ), â€Å"Holy Sonnet IX†(â€Å"If poisonous minerals†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ), 3. George Herbert
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, And Edgar Allen Poe
Human Natures Role Human nature is something that never seems to change. While humans all seem to be different from one another through physical and emotional attributes, their psychological behaviors are all mostly very similar. In the late 18th century and early 19th century, many authors successfully could explain the characteristics of human nature and the effects that it has on everyone and everything surrounding human beings. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Edgar Allen Poe all convey the behavior of human nature in separate ways. These three authors show the curiosity, drive for perfection, and fear of human nature throughout their texts in detail. With these characteristics being prominent in human nature itself, it†¦show more content†¦He makes connections through the beauty of nature, and is curious as to how it all plays a role within each human’s life. Curiosity pushes Emerson to look deeper into things and try to find answers which is somethi ng that is still very prominent in human nature today. Without the curiosity of human nature, there would be no advances or success towards new things and new ideas that fill the world. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s text The Birth Mark, he expresses human nature and its drive for perfection. In this text, Aylmer is very persistent to remove his lover’s birthmark from her cheek. Hawthorne states, â€Å"‘Georgiana’, said he, ‘has it never occurred to you that the mark upon your cheek might be removed’†(Hawthorne 418). Aylmer’s drive for perfection causes him to turn to science to try and find the answers to remove the mark from his wife’s face, initially seeking to make her â€Å"perfect†in human natures belief. By the end of this text, his wife is corrupted by his persistence to make her â€Å"perfect†and ends up passing away due to the complications that Aylmer laid upon her. â€Å"‘Aylmer-dearest Aylmer -I am dying’†(Hawthorne 429), quotes Hawthorne. Aylmer’s drive for perfection for his wife was so overpowering that he aims too high and puts science ahead of his love for his wife. This drive for perfection is still a very prominent in human nature and why humans behave as they do today. The drive for perfection is the reasonShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe And Ralph Waldo Emerson1090 Words  | 5 Pagesunique textual language. Despite these obstacles, American authors such as Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Ralph Waldo Emerson assisted in the emergence of American Literature and the development of the â€Å"American Voice.†Edgar Allen Poe has played a crucial role in the development of the â€Å"American Voice.†Although his work uses the same language as English writers, it is also very different. Edgar Allen Poe was born in 1809 and died in 1849. He was a writer, poet, critic, and an editorRead More The American Renaissance Essay1168 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican nationalism evolved with the Gilded Age and New Imperialism school of thought. The American Renaissance produced major influential literary works from some of the most brilliant minds in U.S. history, including Ralph Waldo Emersons the Representative Man (1850), Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlett Letter (1850) and The House of Seven Gables (1851), Herman Melvilles Moby-Dick, Henry David Thoreaus Walden (1854), and Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass (1855). American RenaissanceRead MoreThe Fire Side Poets from the Romantic Period of Literature Appreciate Nature586 Words  | 3 Pagesslavery. Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer of â€Å"Nature†and Henry David Thoreau, writer of â€Å"Resistance to civil government†were supporters of the philosophical movement. The transcendentalists believed every one was good at heart and nature could bring more goodness. When the transcendentalist failed to stop the slavery, it brought upon the Gothic period. The Gothic period made it seem that everyone was bad at heart, rather than good. Some of the famous writers of this time were Nathaniel Hawthorne and EdgarRead MoreThe Transcendentalism Movement Essay658 Words  | 3 Pagesthere is divinity in all of nature so to get closer to God you get closer to nature. Some of the writers associated with the movement are Ralph Waldo Emerson, Bronson Alcott, Margaret Fuller, and Henry David Thoreau. Transcendentalism’s influence even reached authors who criticized or openly disliked the movement such as Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Emily Dickenson (1830-1860’s). The Transcendental movement lasted about 25 years from 1825-1860. America went throughRead MoreNotes On Self Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay1441 Words  | 6 PagesDynasty Allen English 2270 10/3/2016 Journal Entries (1-5) Analytic Journal #1: Self- Reliance Self-Reliance is a transcendentalist essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The essay was published in 1841 during the transcendentalist movement. It was a way for writers to respond to or protest the general state of intellectualism and even spirituality. He speaks in this essay about ways to avoid conforming and also how each person should follow their own instincts and ideas. Emerson split many of the topicsRead MoreNotes On Self Reliance By Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay1508 Words  | 7 PagesDynasty Allen English 2270 10/3/2016 Journasl Entries (1-5) Analytic Journal #1: Self- Reliance Self-Reliance is a transcendentalist essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The essay was published in 1841 during the transcendentalist movement. It was a way for writers to respond to or protest the general state of intellectualism and even spirituality. He speaks in this essay about ways to avoid conforming and also how each person should follow their own instincts and ideas. Emerson split many of the topicsRead MoreHenry David Thoreau : The Philosophy Of Transcendentalism1055 Words  | 5 PagesThe philosophy of Transcendentalism, according to the article â€Å"Transcendentalism, An American Philosophy†is believed to have been created and led by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which is why he is considered by many literary scholars and historians to be the father of Transcendentalism. Throughout the years, this philosophy attracted other artists and thinkers such as the American Romantic novelist Henry David Thoreau. These prominent and poetic individuals created an insight for this move ment, believingRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne: Literature of Consience Essay2942 Words  | 12 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne’s works established him as one of the most unique authors of the 19th century. With works such as The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne not only entertained his audience, he made them look at their own life and compare it to 17th century Puritan New England. He also brought readers to the realization of how harsh and difficult the period of American History was. Hawthorne’s unique style of writing and his ability to probe deep into the human conscience made him one of Early America’sRead More1.) What Principles Do Franklin And Thoreau Propose For1340 Words  | 6 Pages1.) What principles do Franklin and Thoreau propose for the conduct of life? To what extent do their principles agree? Benjamin Franklin and Ralph Waldo Emerson propose certain principles for the conduct of life. Franklin is very clear in his proposed principles for life, as he clearly states them in his â€Å"The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin†. One of his main principles is the concept of hard work. Franklin believes that the best way to succeed in life is to work hard. Hard work is a key elementRead MoreNotes On : Reviving Religion976 Words  | 4 Pagesbirth control and free love d) The Shakers were another community of people who lived together but they didn t marry 10) The Dawn of Scientific Achievement a) There were lots of people who were interested in making new technology i) Nathaniel Bowditch studied the ocean and sea navigation ii) Benjamin Silliman was a chemist pioneer iii) Louis Agassiz insisted on doing original research b) There were lots of diseases and few little medicines resulted in very low life spans
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bad Girl Movie as a Spin Off of the Batman Franchise Free Essays
In bringing out the idea of morality, choice and idealism, script writers of Catwoman and Batman franchise movies delve deep into the character and weigh options on how these ideals can be pragmatically realized to blend well in the film, while highlighting the suspension of disbelief on the audiences on comic book film. The script writers strive to narrate stories in fictitious ways which can at the same time be comprehended as commentary on today’s right and wrong on a morally challenged world. The idea of a bad girl movie as a spin off of the batman franchise is a good one in the sense that it attempts to push for women empowerment unwillingly to be accepted in the patriarchal society today. We will write a custom essay sample on Bad Girl Movie as a Spin Off of the Batman Franchise or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was also a bold move to break the monopoly experienced in screens of bad guys depicting male chauvinism in society and opens doors in the sequence of the sexually enticing adversary (Burton 1992). Bad girl character illuminates the female character who uses her charm to disarm, and through wit strike the opponents as they are not the type of criminal they are used to chasing. In this case the female audience can relate to or see their other side of the coin while the male audience lust for her entices. The comic movies of the Catwoman, the female character enables the female audience associate with rather than in the classical movies where there is the masculinity theme-woman awaiting the hero to rescue her. Catwoman movies are important in the women empowerment, raising the societal consciousness. In this case the ladies do not have to suppress their potential consciousness in the favour of male characters. As villain in the film the bad girl brings out the element of reality with the wickedness which to viewers may be sweet or awesome and associating with takes the fiction to the level of plausibility (Novi 2004). This is imperative in the contemporary society in the easing the degenerative culture in respect to women and bringing out the role in equality as the bad girl is still capable of such feats as her counterpart in highlighting the evil in society. Through this the bad girl character sums up the problems in the society and fighting these problems is the responsibility of all men and women, and therefore it makes sense to involve all in employing the different tactics in combating the evil. In the film Catwoman produced by Novi (2004) the idea of bad girl is very essential in capturing out the conflict in the plot development in the whole film. Patience in her bid to find out who is responsible for her present form is taunted by the bad girl Laurel Hedare leading to the development of the entire conflict. Her supernatural character makes her more lethal than George. There is that feminine-jealousy-conflict expressed between the criminal Laurel Hedare and Patience and in the struggle to fight for morality has made the two symbols of feminine power where the audience can associate themselves with. Idealism is portrayed in the manner of the human traits expressed, which the audience fall in favour including the determination and wisdom in every move. In the creation of the Bad girl movie along the Batman character traits, there is that imagery of the master criminal lethal and agile in the antagonism force. In reality, the odds are that rough and the bad girl has such a force that has to be overcome with wit and cunning. Indeed it the idea of change is highly eminent is the bad girl character in the Batman franchise as empowerment has brought independence in the women of modern society. The women characters in this case do not have to be rescued by the men but can overcome their challenges and even help others. The audience is now treated to better villains as the protagonist faces deadly and seductive Catwoman (Burton 1992). The audience loath and same time empathize with the protagonist who has to endure all the pain and torture but rejoice on his eventual triumphs over the evil woman-driven by jealousy, hatred and determined to harm all on her way in suffering and torture. In the video Batman Returns directed by Burton (1992) vividly depicts Gotham City as troubled waters with its population threatened with eminent extinction but the audience fears not because the antagonists and protagonists forces are at work and calm must eventually prevail only that suspense play tricks on them. The bad girl movie in follow-up of the batman franchise has been a success in that it has improved its rating as a hybrid of the two ideas. The fight movements’ characteristic of Capoeira martial style of Brazil is more convincing and entertaining than the usual speed in vehicles in action movies, which is mostly used to create excitement. The nocturnal playground in the visual effects creates the grotesque images that build up tension and anticipation among the audience. Occasional lights and music eases the tension releasing the cathartic effects and keeps the audience anticipating for more actions. By bonding in the qualities and ideas the Catwoman has brought fortunes in the comic industry and set standards for future female actresses. Through the actions of the Catwoman, the Batman is actively in motion countering all her foils, on which we realize his desires and the need to be healed of them. In the comic films, the Catwoman harbors soft spots for the hero’s heart and operate outside the law within her morality code (Burton 1992). The Catwoman prowess is evident in her ferocious femininity that flaunts her intellect as well as constantly teasing the Batman in all his attempts. The in vogue of bad girl movie is credited for rejuvenating the declining sales of comic industry and pioneered in the era of realistic and subtle characters. The antithesis created by the Catwoman’s fear of Batman’s wrath represents the embittered feminist in Gotham streets who has to use all means to survive, symbolically pointing to the harsh realities of women of 1980s had to endure and hence the fight for change (Novi 2004). The adoption of bad girl characters has also been attributed to the development of the Batman movie and the sequential realization of the three successful sequels. The idea of a woman acquiring power in her life and showing the independence was more enterprising on the producers and equally appealing to the audiences hence the positive reception. Selina points her feminist stand when she says, â€Å"Life’s a bitch, now so am I†. She is portrayed as a woman not bound by gender boundaries and a symbol of the end of domestication by societal constructions of the place of the woman. In analyzing the her criminal motives, there is the shift of identities in that Catwoman is sometimes nice and other times portrayed evil in the characteristics of the domestic cat. This is the context representation of the villain capable of anything and defying the gender stereotypes of the contemporary society. The Catwoman is portrayed as a complicated woman, surrounded by conflicting desires and emotions and flexible to change to suit her mind peace. Although her character is outside the law she doesn’t accept patriarchal punishment, but her delicate will checks her morality. The Catwoman here is created by the script writer as treacherous female who laughs at the social rules which are only possible in the world of comics (Burton 1992). In summary, the bad girl movies have played a paramount role in the development and eventual success in the Batman franchise as have boosted the comic industry to a higher notch. From the feminist perspective, they have been a force to recon with in the role they have played in the empowerment of the women in the contemporary society. The Catwoman has been depicted as influential force in breaking down the social constructions of the patriarchal society that continued to denigrate the place of woman. The mentality portrayed here is not one to be morally accepted in the realistic world but only for the feminists to take the cue and drum for change in society. The Batman being the guardian of the society is faced with another daunting task to keep the rebels at bay although he is susceptible to the change itself and hence falls in the traps of emotions. How to cite Bad Girl Movie as a Spin Off of the Batman Franchise, Papers
Bad Girl Movie as a Spin Off of the Batman Franchise Free Essays
In bringing out the idea of morality, choice and idealism, script writers of Catwoman and Batman franchise movies delve deep into the character and weigh options on how these ideals can be pragmatically realized to blend well in the film, while highlighting the suspension of disbelief on the audiences on comic book film. The script writers strive to narrate stories in fictitious ways which can at the same time be comprehended as commentary on today’s right and wrong on a morally challenged world. The idea of a bad girl movie as a spin off of the batman franchise is a good one in the sense that it attempts to push for women empowerment unwillingly to be accepted in the patriarchal society today. We will write a custom essay sample on Bad Girl Movie as a Spin Off of the Batman Franchise or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was also a bold move to break the monopoly experienced in screens of bad guys depicting male chauvinism in society and opens doors in the sequence of the sexually enticing adversary (Burton 1992). Bad girl character illuminates the female character who uses her charm to disarm, and through wit strike the opponents as they are not the type of criminal they are used to chasing. In this case the female audience can relate to or see their other side of the coin while the male audience lust for her entices. The comic movies of the Catwoman, the female character enables the female audience associate with rather than in the classical movies where there is the masculinity theme-woman awaiting the hero to rescue her. Catwoman movies are important in the women empowerment, raising the societal consciousness. In this case the ladies do not have to suppress their potential consciousness in the favour of male characters. As villain in the film the bad girl brings out the element of reality with the wickedness which to viewers may be sweet or awesome and associating with takes the fiction to the level of plausibility (Novi 2004). This is imperative in the contemporary society in the easing the degenerative culture in respect to women and bringing out the role in equality as the bad girl is still capable of such feats as her counterpart in highlighting the evil in society. Through this the bad girl character sums up the problems in the society and fighting these problems is the responsibility of all men and women, and therefore it makes sense to involve all in employing the different tactics in combating the evil. In the film Catwoman produced by Novi (2004) the idea of bad girl is very essential in capturing out the conflict in the plot development in the whole film. Patience in her bid to find out who is responsible for her present form is taunted by the bad girl Laurel Hedare leading to the development of the entire conflict. Her supernatural character makes her more lethal than George. There is that feminine-jealousy-conflict expressed between the criminal Laurel Hedare and Patience and in the struggle to fight for morality has made the two symbols of feminine power where the audience can associate themselves with. Idealism is portrayed in the manner of the human traits expressed, which the audience fall in favour including the determination and wisdom in every move. In the creation of the Bad girl movie along the Batman character traits, there is that imagery of the master criminal lethal and agile in the antagonism force. In reality, the odds are that rough and the bad girl has such a force that has to be overcome with wit and cunning. Indeed it the idea of change is highly eminent is the bad girl character in the Batman franchise as empowerment has brought independence in the women of modern society. The women characters in this case do not have to be rescued by the men but can overcome their challenges and even help others. The audience is now treated to better villains as the protagonist faces deadly and seductive Catwoman (Burton 1992). The audience loath and same time empathize with the protagonist who has to endure all the pain and torture but rejoice on his eventual triumphs over the evil woman-driven by jealousy, hatred and determined to harm all on her way in suffering and torture. In the video Batman Returns directed by Burton (1992) vividly depicts Gotham City as troubled waters with its population threatened with eminent extinction but the audience fears not because the antagonists and protagonists forces are at work and calm must eventually prevail only that suspense play tricks on them. The bad girl movie in follow-up of the batman franchise has been a success in that it has improved its rating as a hybrid of the two ideas. The fight movements’ characteristic of Capoeira martial style of Brazil is more convincing and entertaining than the usual speed in vehicles in action movies, which is mostly used to create excitement. The nocturnal playground in the visual effects creates the grotesque images that build up tension and anticipation among the audience. Occasional lights and music eases the tension releasing the cathartic effects and keeps the audience anticipating for more actions. By bonding in the qualities and ideas the Catwoman has brought fortunes in the comic industry and set standards for future female actresses. Through the actions of the Catwoman, the Batman is actively in motion countering all her foils, on which we realize his desires and the need to be healed of them. In the comic films, the Catwoman harbors soft spots for the hero’s heart and operate outside the law within her morality code (Burton 1992). The Catwoman prowess is evident in her ferocious femininity that flaunts her intellect as well as constantly teasing the Batman in all his attempts. The in vogue of bad girl movie is credited for rejuvenating the declining sales of comic industry and pioneered in the era of realistic and subtle characters. The antithesis created by the Catwoman’s fear of Batman’s wrath represents the embittered feminist in Gotham streets who has to use all means to survive, symbolically pointing to the harsh realities of women of 1980s had to endure and hence the fight for change (Novi 2004). The adoption of bad girl characters has also been attributed to the development of the Batman movie and the sequential realization of the three successful sequels. The idea of a woman acquiring power in her life and showing the independence was more enterprising on the producers and equally appealing to the audiences hence the positive reception. Selina points her feminist stand when she says, â€Å"Life’s a bitch, now so am I†. She is portrayed as a woman not bound by gender boundaries and a symbol of the end of domestication by societal constructions of the place of the woman. In analyzing the her criminal motives, there is the shift of identities in that Catwoman is sometimes nice and other times portrayed evil in the characteristics of the domestic cat. This is the context representation of the villain capable of anything and defying the gender stereotypes of the contemporary society. The Catwoman is portrayed as a complicated woman, surrounded by conflicting desires and emotions and flexible to change to suit her mind peace. Although her character is outside the law she doesn’t accept patriarchal punishment, but her delicate will checks her morality. The Catwoman here is created by the script writer as treacherous female who laughs at the social rules which are only possible in the world of comics (Burton 1992). In summary, the bad girl movies have played a paramount role in the development and eventual success in the Batman franchise as have boosted the comic industry to a higher notch. From the feminist perspective, they have been a force to recon with in the role they have played in the empowerment of the women in the contemporary society. The Catwoman has been depicted as influential force in breaking down the social constructions of the patriarchal society that continued to denigrate the place of woman. The mentality portrayed here is not one to be morally accepted in the realistic world but only for the feminists to take the cue and drum for change in society. The Batman being the guardian of the society is faced with another daunting task to keep the rebels at bay although he is susceptible to the change itself and hence falls in the traps of emotions. How to cite Bad Girl Movie as a Spin Off of the Batman Franchise, Papers
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